Katherine Peterson offers beginning, intermediate and advanced piano and violin lessons once a week. Katherine teaches children (from about age 8 and up) teens and adults. Katherine is happy to work with students of all ages 8 and above.
Payment policy: Lesson tuition for the upcoming month is due in advance at the first lesson on the first week of the month. This reserves Katherine’s valuable time for the student’s lessons for the month. It is also a commitment for the student.
Lesson Rates: Please contact Katherine for her competitive lesson rates.
Phone: Call or Text: (801) 884-6533. Email: kpetersonmusic@icloud.com
Lessons are one hour in length for all students. Lessons cover the “Joy of Making Music,” mastering the instrument, music reading, music theory, harmony, music composition, improvisation, performance, music career etc. depending on students goals and abilities.
Cancellation policy: Students are asked to notify Katherine at least 24 hours in advance by phone to cancel or reschedule a lesson. If a lesson is missed without prior 24-hour notification, theremay be a “no show” fee equal to the lesson fee. If a missed lesson is due to an emergency related to work, health, etc., the student will have an opportunity to reschedule and make up the lesson.
Making up and rescheduling lessons: When a 24-hour cancellation notice is given, a rescheduled lesson is highly recommended and a make-up lesson will be arranged within the next week or two, if possible. Students are asked to “do their best” to make up missed lessons. (Please note: most teachers do not offer make-up lessons. They charge for all lessons missed or cancelled). Katherine is more flexible and offers to make-up and to reschedule lessons so that the student continues to learn and to make steady progress.
Lessons that can’t be made up due to scheduling issues: After the student has made an effort to reschedule his or her lesson and/or if scheduling doesn’t permit; then the “advance” payment already made for that lesson will be credited to the student’s following month’s tuition.
Progress depends on consistent practice and on regular weekly lessons: To promote steady progress, Katherine recommends that her students practice their musical instrument regularly: 4 to 5 days per week, and ideally 6 to 7 days per week. The amount of time recommended for the student to practice depends on their age and on the length of time they have studied. This is determined at the students’ lessons.
Parents’ involvement: For best results, for students under the age of 16, parents are highly encouraged to take an active role in their child’s lessons; from being at and actively listening to lessons to actively monitoring and coaching their child’s daily practice sessions at home.Ideally, one parent is always at home listening to and monitoring all of the student’s practice sessions.
Recommended books for parents and adult students: